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Tag: Destination Stewardship

Community-based tourism

Pioneering Community-Owned Tourism in the Maldives

EN     ES The ritzy resorts of the Maldives, each perched on its own atoll, have left most islanders out of the tourism equation. Shannon McCarthy and Chloe King describe how a community-based guesthouse model may change things. Their first problem was how to convince the community. One resort per atoll did little

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Durango: Gestión de Destinos en Acción

EN     ES Impulsadas por la era de los viajes post pandemia, las organizaciones turísticas se están alejando de una función singular de marketing de destinos. Algunos han comenzado a incorporar el “cuidado del destino” en planes, funciones e incluso títulos de trabajo. Sarah-Jane Johnson informa sobre cómo ha logrado uno

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Djurgården Muestra Cómo Colaborar

EN     ES Cuando se trataba de planificar la sostenibilidad del destino, las más de 60 empresas del centenario parque Djurgården de Estocolmo plantearon un desafío de cooperación. Camilla Zedendahl y Karin Sallander, de la Royal Djurgården Society, explican lo que se necesita para ayudar a las empresas turísticas a pensar

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Rapa Nui: Memorias del Futuro

EN     ES Los niños ven el mundo desde un punto de vista aún más fresco que los turistas que visitan por primera vez un destino. ¿Puede esa perspectiva tan abierta ser útil en la gestión de destinos? Karen Luz Córdova, cofundadora de Cuidadores de Destinos, con sede en Chile, responde

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Community-based tourism
Jonathan Tourtellot

Rapa Nui: Memories of the Future

EN     ES Children see the world from an even fresher standpoint than first-time tourists. Can that wide-open perspective be helpful in destination planning and generational future-proofing?  Karen Luz Córdova, Co-Founder of Chile-based Cuidadores de Destinos, answers with a resounding yes. Here’s how it worked on remote, heavily touristed Rapa Nui (formerly

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Durango: Destination Stewardship in Action

EN     ES Spurred on by the post-pandemic era of travel, tourism organizations are moving away from a singular function of marketing destinations. Some have begun to incorporate “destination stewardship” into plans, functions, and even job titles. Sarah-Jane Johnson reports on how one of Colorado’s renowned recreational destinations has gone about

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Djurgården Shows How To Collaborate

EN     ES When it came to planning for destination sustainability, the 60-plus businesses of Stockholm’s centuries-old Djurgården park posed a cooperation challenge. Camilla Zedendahl and Karin Sallander of the Royal Djurgården Society explain what it takes to help their park’s independent tourism enterprises think long-term together and act accordingly. At

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Introducing the GSTC Destination Stewardship Starter Kit

How can a destination get started with the destination stewardship process? Tiffany Chan, GSTC Destinations Coordinator, shares best practices outlined in the new GSTC Destination Stewardship Starter Kit, developed by GSTC’s Destination Stewardship Working Group. Defining destination stewardship Destination stewardship is a process by which local communities, governmental agencies, NGOs,

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Building a community-centered destination stewardship initiative

Care for communities that make up the fabric of destinations is critical. But how? A destination stewardship approach can help tourism stakeholders – including community members – create their shared future in a collaborative and mutually beneficial way. Samantha Bray, PhD candidate at the University of Waterloo, shares her expertise.

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