By means of workshops, webinars, onsite evaluations and presentations, training sessions, and project-development consulting, DSC Director Jonathan Tourtellot and our various associates and partners can provide information on an array of ways to improve destination stewardship in your country, region, or locale, especially the start-up phase of establishing a collaborative approach. Topics include:
- Tourism and places – A new approach to understanding the interaction between different types of tourism and the destination. Learn why “unspoiled places” become spoiled, and how to avoid that progression.
- Collaboration How-To – Step by step methods
Model for a resilient destination stewardship council. for convening a destination stewardship council, customized for your locale, by DSC Director Jonathan Tourtellot and associates. We can present ways to achieve better care for a destination and management of tourism. (Fees vary; free for deserving cases.)
- Overtourism – Why it happens and how to mitigate it. Discover the global trends and three economic myths that open the door to overcrowding, as mentioned in Mr. Tourtellot’s chapter on Destination Governance in the Island Press book, Overtourism.

Whenever possible, Mr. Tourtellot’s on-site presentations include illustrated material from a rapid evaluation of the destination at hand, with recommendations tailored to the local situation.
If interested, contact us.