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Recent stewardship news on Cape Cod:
- Wind Turbines in Nantucket Sound Becalmed – Plans to create the nation’s first off-shore wind farm seem “dead in the water.”
- Cape Cod’s Worst Bottlenecks The near-half-million summer population puts pressure on bridges, raising calls for a third crossing.
- Controversy Over a Proposed 110-Room Hotel – The issue: Whether such a large hotel—”monstrosity”—belongs on Main Street Falmouth.
- Mashpee Wampanoag Break Ground for Tribal Housing – An attempt to mitigate moves due to rising housing costs
Why this grade in 2009? Representative panelist comments from the National Geographic stewardship survey World Iconic Destinations:
“Some parts are beautiful and well managed, but the car-intensive nature of the Cape diminishes the quality in many areas. More bike trails and public transit would help.”
“The National Park Service seems to be doing a very good job balancing tourism with preservation of the dunes on the eastern end of Cape Cod.”
“The ‘authentic’ Cape Cod cultural experience is being slowly worn away by the ubiquitous homogenization of the retail experience. Shoreline ecology remains intact and healthy.”
“Best enjoyed spring and fall before summer crowds, which can be overwhelming, arrive—especially when trying to cross either of the two bridges. Popularity has led to too many gift shops and too much of the miniature-golf, go-cart sort of entertainment.
Local destination stewardship groups: