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Tourism and Climate: What Can Destinations Do?

 World Tourism Day Forum: Tourism in a Climate Crisis: Sept 27-28 

The IPCC warns “Global surface temperature will continue to increase until at least the mid-century under all emissions scenarios considered. Global warming of 1.5°C and 2°C will be exceeded during the 21st century unless deep reductions in CO2 and other greenhouse gas emissions occur in the coming decades.”

What does that mean for destinations, and how do we prevent that from happening? The Center for Responsible Travel (CREST) and Tourism Declares a Climate Emergency are co-hosting a two-day virtual event on September 28 and 29, Tourism in a Climate Crisis,” for discussing those questions while also providing practical, actionable information for destinations, accommodations, and tour operators. Participants on Day 2 will get the chance to work with leading experts on laying the foundation for creating their own climate action plan.


Day 1: Attendance is limited to 1,000 participants but a recording will be provided to all registrants afterward. Should capacity be reached, it will be streamed on CREST’s Facebook page.

Day 2: In order to provide an engaging, hands-on experience, registration is limited to 180 participants representing accommodations, tour operators, and destinations (60 registrants per technical track). Consultants who work with these sectors are also able to sign up. Due to this limited capacity, we encourage everyone to register as soon as possible and only if they are able to actively participate during the session. It will not be recorded.

We recognize that not everyone will be able to pay to participate in this virtual forum. This year, we are introducing pay-what-you-can rates: a suggested contribution of $10 for participating in Day One and $25 for those participating in Day Two, or $30 for those registering for both days.

To attend or register as a participant, go to

#TourismInAClimateCrisis #WTDForum2021 #CRESTtravel #transformingtravel


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