Roger Millar of Smart Growth America relays this news report published in the Aspen Times: A University of New Hampshire study shows two low-snow years can cost ski destinations as much as a billion dollars. The lower the resort’s elevation or latitude, the shorter could be its lifespan.
Bizarrely, the U.S. ski industry’s response is ambivalent at best when it comes to the threat of global warning, despite concerns raised by a few of the more cognizant resorts. One would think this travel industry above all others would be sounding the alarm about warmer winters.
Given that almost half all Americans still doubt there is actually a threat, resorts should also consider educating their own clientele. Skiers could receive entertaining bits of climate science in digestible portions—on the backs of aprés-ski menus, for instance. Maybe even a new drink, called the “Mogulmelt.” Recipe suggestions?